SSL Certificates: Did You Get the SEO Boost?
When Google announced last month that it was giving a minor SEO boost to sites with SSL certificates, we were over the moon. Besides confirming what we had already experienced with our own clients’ sites (those with SSL certificates were receiving higher conversions and lower bounce rates), this ranking factor makes a big push to beef up online security for website users across the board – something that bodes well for companies looking to improve consumer confidence in the modern digital age.
If you haven’t implemented the SSL certificate yet…
Fortunately, it has only been a few weeks since the official algorithm update, so you likely are not far behind the majority of websites. However, your competitors may have already jumped on this opportunity to boost SEO rankings, which means you can’t afford to wait any longer.
SSL certificates are not hard to acquire, nor are they very demanding of fiscal resources; however, the installation can be complex, so we recommend turning to an experienced SEO consultant for guidance.
If you have implemented SSL for SEO...
We want to know about your experience thus far. What changes have you noticed in your search engine rankings? How long did it take for your new pages to get indexed? Are you in line with your competitors, or did this SEO update allow you to get ahead of them?
Let us know in the comments.