The Big Benefits of FAQ Pages for Your Website

You’ve heard about ‘em, you’ve seen ‘em, and you’ve likely visited your share of ‘em. They’re called FAQ pages, and there are some big, no-brainer reasons to consider one for your own website. Let’s discuss.

Your Customers Want a FAQ Page

Have you ever been shopping on a retail site and wanted to know about the warranty? Ever wondered how to clean your mandolin (the kitchen tool, not the instrument)?

FAQ pages are the perfect place to answer the questions most likely to be asked by users. With a dedicated FAQ website page, you can give your customers the information they need right away, without making them take the extra step to call or email your customer service team. This eliminates frustration from the user experience, so your customers are more likely to complete a purchase, a sign-up form, or another call to action. Added bonus: It relieves the burden on your customer support team while making you look good (can you say positive customer reviews?).

You Get Extra SEO Juice

Maybe you’ve already answered some of your customers’ commonly asked questions on your website. If so, you now have some ideas for your FAQ page. Just insert the same questions (or slight variations of them) on the FAQ page, summarize the answers in about 50 words or less per question, and then provide a link to the relevant blog or landing page on your website. This way, you give users an opportunity to get a more in-depth answer, and you increase the traffic to your other pages. It’s a win-win situation.

You May Just Snag a Google Featured Snippet

If you haven’t heard about Google Featured Snippets yet, chances are you’ve seen them. Snippets are the boxes of information Google displays near the top of the results page when you search for a certain term.

For example, if you search for “What is a Featured Snippet?” the very first item that shows up is a short answer to the question along with a link to a relevant article.

Your FAQ page can help your answers show up as Featured Snippets.

I probably don’t have to tell you that this greatly increases your visibility on Google AND your chances for more website traffic. But, in case I do, you want to have a Featured Snippet because it can significantly benefit your business, your website, and your SEO work.


Creating a FAQ page for your website benefits your customers as well as your business. It creates a better user experience, which can help you develop more loyal customers or clients. It also gives you an opportunity to boost SEO performance within your site, as well as drive more traffic from outside.

For a single website page, that’s a heck of a lot of power to leave on the table.

Reach out with any questions you might have regarding how RSO can help you with your digital marketing.

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